Sunday 13 June 2010

Thank you

What i love about the D/s, M/s, BDSM blogging community (or however you wish to refer to it) is the total sense of honesty and freedom that is expressed within the journals and blogs of truly fabulous people. my reading list is expanding every day, and mostly always i log out with a smile, and the thoughts of "i can sooo relate to that!"

i mentioned in my post earlier this morning that i was feeling intensely sad and vulnerable due to the life 'issues' restricting the time that Master and i can spend together, as a D/s couple. Well, i have been flicking through some blogs today and have come across a remarkable C/couple that have managed an LDR for 7 and a half years, and are still deeply in love. It made me truly smile, and lifted my spirits significantly. Not that i doubt Masters love for me, or His commitment, or mine for Him, but it simply reinforced, right at the time that i needed it, that this does work and although sometimes it may seem impossible, i am in fact very very lucky to have found the Man i need to share my life with, no matter how far away He is.

So, thank you rosie and rosie's Master for although you have no idea who i am, you have helped this girl feel much better today.


  1. You are truly welcome elle. My blog is a new one, I have recently moved from one that I kept for 7 and a half years It was time for a change and time to move ahead with our new blog. I am sure if you keep reading, you will see comments from my Master from time to time. We are utterly in love and planning on spending our future together. Particularly after His recent 6 week visit here. As time goes by you will learn more about us, but please feel free to ask questions in the short term. Some readers have been with us from the beginning, others are new, and as there is no history on the recent blog I am more than happy to answer questions.

    Thank you for dropping by and thank you for mentioning us here.


  2. You're very welcome, and i look forward to getting to know you :)

    elle x

  3. I agree about the D/s, M/s, bdsm community of bloggers. It has really helped me during my journey to know I am not alone; to be able to be understood even when I didn't know the proper words; and to relate and grow as a submissive woman. I have learned so much from the varied experiences and lifestyles.

    I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Hi there Hedone and thanks for your comments. You're absolutely right, there is always so much we can learn from each other. i've become a bit addicted to the other blogs here, there is so much i can relate to, and share, that my vanilla friends would never understand.
    elle x

  5. I feel the same about the community of bloggers. Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit off about some issue or another, I'll come along and start blog surfing, and they always make me feel better. The depth that so many of them write with gives me such an insight into their thoughts, and I rapidly realise that I'm not alone in this or that difficulty.

    I recently found yours through Submissive After Dark, and I love the way you write, too :)
